Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Closet Cleaning Tip of the Day

Well, it seems that it's that time of year again.  We are all (FINALLY) packing away those heavy winter sweaters in favor of our lighter weight Spring and Summer clothes.  Can I get a "yippee"?!?!?

Yes, we are all excited about the arrival of warmer weather, but probably not so excited about the chore of shuffling clothes and reorganizing our closets. I can only speak for myself here, but I have to say it's on my short list of least favorite chores.

In any case, my hairdresser just shared a great tip to help keep your closet organized.  I was surprised at how simple it was and that I had not thought of it before.  So here it is.  As you switch out your wardrobe, hang all your hangers in the closet backwards.  Then. as you wear each piece, replace it on a forward-facing hanger.  At the end of the season, it should be evident which pieces you did not wear (i.e., the ones still facing backward in your closet).  And those are the pieces that should be cleared out of your wardrobe at the end of the season.

I like it.  Now, if I could only get my closet to look anything remotely similar to this one.  :)

1 comment:

  1. ummmmm, you've got the space, yours could look like that if you could talk your husband into getting rid of some of his clothes. That boy has more clothes than any woman I know sez his mama...


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