Thursday, March 8, 2018

Allow Me to Reintroduce Myself

Hi yall!  It's been a little while since I've been active on the blog- like before the holidays.  My  sincere apologies.  I do miss this, and you all too.  What can I say?  I'm busy.  Life is busy, but you already knew that, I'm sure, because you all have wonderful and busy lives too.  I am working on  cooking up several new blog posts for you, but to kick things off, I thought I would share the following with you.  
I posted this on my personal Facebook page on my birthday last month, and I feel like it pretty accurately sums up my life these days.  Aside from my mention of being a wife, I feel like this also could double as a singles' ad.  Heaven help me.  

42- Wow. My heart and my thoughts are full. I don’t believe in hiding your age. Why bother? You are what you are. And for all my years, I can now say that I am living my best life.
I am a wife, a mother (to a 3 year old- how many 40-somethings can say that?), a sister (to 2 of the best women I’ve ever known), a daughter, a friend- to a fabulous group of women whom I cherish, a niece, a cousin, an aunt (many times over), a sister-in-law, a daughter-in-law, a dance mom, a class mom, and a stay-at-home mom (which by the way, is the hardest and most rewarding job I have personally ever known, and I’ve had some doozies).
My life has taken so many twists and turns. But it has all led me here. At 42, I know what I like, what I want, who I like. And I know the things that make me happy and those that do not. I sing out loud- usually badly, but occasionally I find an actual key and surprise myself. I dance with strangers. I talk - a lot- sometimes about things that matter. The years have taught me of the virtues of patience. I have known loss and I have known love. My cup overflows daily.
I believe youth is wasted on the young, and I also believe that is something that old(er) people say.  I am older than I’ve ever been, but also younger than I’ve ever been. I no longer try to impress anyone but myself. If I can do that, then I’ve accomplished something. I am humbled daily. I learn daily. I don’t care what other people think about me anymore. But occasionally I still do. I am a complex conundrum, but aren’t we all?
Not a day goes by that I don’t miss my Mama. Now she was a good woman. Someone that I try to be every day. She wasn’t much of a cook, but neither am I. She loved with all her heart. She taught me how to work hard, and I do. Every single day of my life.
I have traveled all over this world, but I still believe there is no better place than my bed. I nap EVERY SINGLE DAY. I love red wine and coffee. If I have vices, I suppose you could say those are it. But I have never smoked a cigarette in my life and that’s saying something for a small-town North Carolina girl.
I like me. Almost always. But sometimes I get cranky. See the aforementioned need for sleep, coffee, and red wine. Pretty much in that order. I believe in love, being kind to one another, and lifting each other up. We all need a little help from time to time, so pay it forward and just be a good person.
42- Double the legal drinking age, but occasionally a good-intentioned young’un still cards me. Bless my heart and all of my 42 years. And may the good Lord see fit to bless me with a few more so I can learn a few more things between here and the other side, because, y’all, I think it’s just getting good.

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