Monday, April 8, 2019

OK to Wake Alarm Clock for Kids

I've been meaning to share this nifty little life-changing clock with you for a while now.  If you, or someone you know, have little ones (as in too young to tell time or understand that 5 am is too early to wake up for the day), then read on for how this little clock has changed my life!

Let's face it.  Sleep is important.  I am a sleeper, and thankfully, our daughter inherited that trait from me too.  She has been a good sleeper her whole life.  She was sleeping through the night at 6 weeks old.  She has always been an A+ napper- still is, and she's almost 5 years old now.  She never ever once tried to get out of her crib when she was a baby and when we switched her to a "big girl bed", she would stay there even after she woke up in the morning until I went in to get her.   

But inevitably, kids grow up and start to test to the limits.  So I decided quite a while back to install this OK to Wake Alarm Clock for her in her room.  It works like this.  You set the time on it that you decide it's ok for your child to get up and start moving about each day.  In our case, that's 7 am.  So when 7 am rolls around each day, the clock starts glowing green.  It doesn't alarm at all; it just lights up.  So if your child is still asleep, it doesn't wake them up.  But if they are awake, once it starts glowing, they know it's time to get up- or at least that it's ok to get up.  It remains lit up for 30 minutes so if they are still asleep, but they wake up within that 30 minute window, then they will see it's glowing green and it's ok to go ahead and get up.  

For our family, this clock has worked like a charm!  Lexi usually wakes up on her own around 7 am each morning anyway.  But if she wakes up a little before that, then she knows to stay in bed until the clock starts glowing at 7 am and then she gets up.  If she is still sleeping at 7 am, it turns green anyway and when she does awake, she sees that it's already lit up and comes running.  Honestly, I'm pretty sure that this clock has "reset" Lexi's internal clock to go off at 7 am, because she is like clockwork with waking up right at 7 am everyday, which is wonderful!  We have had zero issues with her getting up and moving around at weird hours of the night or early morning.  This clock is worth every penny!!

Oh, there is a nap mode on this clock too, so you can do the same thing when it's ok to wake from nap.  We don't really use that, but it's a nice feature that is available.  There is also a snooze button feature that will dim the light and cause it to light up again when the snooze period is over.  You can also press the little buttons on the clock's "feet" and it will make silly little faces. There is a night light feature on the clock if you want to use it.  And apparently, this clock can convert to a regular alarm clock once your child is ready for that.  It's cute and does have a lot of extra features on it. 

You can find these clocks on Amazon.  Check out all the information and the reviews!  It's highly rated and I'm not the only mom who swears by it.  Just passing along the good stuff to you.  This one is a winner.  Whoever invented this deserves my complete gratitude.

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