
Friday, June 13, 2014

My Week in Pictures: June 13, 2014

It has been a few weeks since my last "My Week in Pictures" post.  Needless to say, being a new mommy to a precious babydoll takes a wee bit of time and energy, but hopefully things are back on track, and I will try to keep you updated weekly with this segment.  

Speaking of our babydoll, here she is snoozing away happily with our "first born" Izzie, the Wonder Pup.  These two are thick as thieves.  It's actually really adorable.  Babies and puppies together are just too precious for words.  

I mentioned that our little one is sure keeping me busy these days.  Here's a look at one of my many new responsibilities.  That's right, I'm the chief bottle washer around these parts.  And she goes through these bad boys frequently. 

Here's another daily activity, but this one I don't mind at all.  Bath time for baby is so much fun.  Little Lex really likes the water.  And she doesn't mind getting her hair washed or being suds up.  Thank goodness.  It sure does make this little chore pleasant for us all!  Oh, and the turtle you see in her tub there is actually a thermometer.  It lights up green when the water temperature is ideal for your little one.  Who knew how easy that could be?  

We've been trying to make a concerted effort to get our babe out and about as much as we can.  So, take a look at my new ride.  I actually asked for and received my cool new bike for Christmas.  But the little "attachment" is one we picked up at a garage sale last fall (before I actually got the bike).  But it all came together, and Lexi and I are now in business. 

Speaking of getting out and about, this was a little trip to the Farmer's Co-op recently.  Here's Lex checking out the seed packets from the comfort of a wagon they had out front.  John plopped her carrier in the wagon and we pulled her all over the Co-op.  Worked great.  We really must work on finding a wagon of our own.  

So this past weekend, we decided to take our Sweetpea out to the First Friday Art Crawl in Downtown Franklin.  That was preceded by dinner at one of favorite local haunts- live music and dinner on the patio.  She did great.  As you can see here, she just kicked her little tootsies up on the table and settled right in. 

My hubbie was actually really proud of himself over this little outing.  Yes, here we are at Walmart.  Babydoll has officially made her first trip, and we got the picture to prove it.  But trust me, she was about as thrilled as I was.  Fans of Walmart we are not.

Luckily, one thing salvaged the entire trip- our discovery of lamb-shaped butter.  No doubt this has been lurking in the cooler since well before Easter, but then I'm guessing it has quite the shelf life.  Just to be on the safe side though, this little gem did not make it home with us.

Lest you think this entire post is babytalk, fear not.  I am still taking time to enjoy the coffee...

...and shameless selfies.  Still trying to decide if I like these aviators.

So, that's it for now.  Of course this weekend is Father's Day, so more to come on that.  Until then, happy weekend to you all and a good Daddy Day to all the Dads out there!

1 comment:

  1. Love all the photos! Wish John a happy Father's Day for me.
