
Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Dry Your Hair in Half the Time!

I found a new product that I have tried out recently, and I have to share it with you all.  It's a hair towel that actually delivers on its promise to help cut your hair drying time in half.  A little hard to believe, I know, but it really does work!

I have super fine hair, but a lot of it.  And I have color treated my hair for years.  Apparently that combination is the perfect one for hair that takes forever to dry.  My hair just holds onto water, even when I towel dry it first.  It still takes way too long with the blow dryer.  So when I found this magic towel on Amazon, I swooped it up.  It has well over 2000 reviews and still gets close to 5 stars.  People were swearing by its claims.  I figured if it didn't do what it promised, I would just return it. But that never happened.  It was awesome right out of the gate, and well worth the asking price.

So here's how I use it.  After I wash my hair, I squeeze out the excess water and then twist it right up into this towel.  **I should point out that this is not a full sized bath towel.  It is smaller, but just the right size for my hair.**  I then proceed on to my after-shower moisturizer routine, etc.  I probably leave my hair in this towel for somewhere in the neighborhood of 3 to 5 minutes before taking it down.  Then I give it a quick towel dry with the same towel and just start blow drying.  It used to take me at least five minutes before I would notice even the smallest amount of drying of my hair once I started blow drying. Now, I notice my hair is starting to dry almost as soon as I turn my hairdryer on! It really is amazing!  In fact,  I liked this towel so much, I bought a second one for my daughter, and it's working wonders on her hair too!

Just wanted to share this new-to-me product with you guys.  It's the real deal, and I bet you all will love it too.

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Thursday, March 8, 2018

Allow Me to Reintroduce Myself

Hi yall!  It's been a little while since I've been active on the blog- like before the holidays.  My  sincere apologies.  I do miss this, and you all too.  What can I say?  I'm busy.  Life is busy, but you already knew that, I'm sure, because you all have wonderful and busy lives too.  I am working on  cooking up several new blog posts for you, but to kick things off, I thought I would share the following with you.  
I posted this on my personal Facebook page on my birthday last month, and I feel like it pretty accurately sums up my life these days.  Aside from my mention of being a wife, I feel like this also could double as a singles' ad.  Heaven help me.  

42- Wow. My heart and my thoughts are full. I don’t believe in hiding your age. Why bother? You are what you are. And for all my years, I can now say that I am living my best life.
I am a wife, a mother (to a 3 year old- how many 40-somethings can say that?), a sister (to 2 of the best women I’ve ever known), a daughter, a friend- to a fabulous group of women whom I cherish, a niece, a cousin, an aunt (many times over), a sister-in-law, a daughter-in-law, a dance mom, a class mom, and a stay-at-home mom (which by the way, is the hardest and most rewarding job I have personally ever known, and I’ve had some doozies).
My life has taken so many twists and turns. But it has all led me here. At 42, I know what I like, what I want, who I like. And I know the things that make me happy and those that do not. I sing out loud- usually badly, but occasionally I find an actual key and surprise myself. I dance with strangers. I talk - a lot- sometimes about things that matter. The years have taught me of the virtues of patience. I have known loss and I have known love. My cup overflows daily.
I believe youth is wasted on the young, and I also believe that is something that old(er) people say.  I am older than I’ve ever been, but also younger than I’ve ever been. I no longer try to impress anyone but myself. If I can do that, then I’ve accomplished something. I am humbled daily. I learn daily. I don’t care what other people think about me anymore. But occasionally I still do. I am a complex conundrum, but aren’t we all?
Not a day goes by that I don’t miss my Mama. Now she was a good woman. Someone that I try to be every day. She wasn’t much of a cook, but neither am I. She loved with all her heart. She taught me how to work hard, and I do. Every single day of my life.
I have traveled all over this world, but I still believe there is no better place than my bed. I nap EVERY SINGLE DAY. I love red wine and coffee. If I have vices, I suppose you could say those are it. But I have never smoked a cigarette in my life and that’s saying something for a small-town North Carolina girl.
I like me. Almost always. But sometimes I get cranky. See the aforementioned need for sleep, coffee, and red wine. Pretty much in that order. I believe in love, being kind to one another, and lifting each other up. We all need a little help from time to time, so pay it forward and just be a good person.
42- Double the legal drinking age, but occasionally a good-intentioned young’un still cards me. Bless my heart and all of my 42 years. And may the good Lord see fit to bless me with a few more so I can learn a few more things between here and the other side, because, y’all, I think it’s just getting good.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Homemade Peanut Butter Dog Treats

I've been making this recipe for homemade dog treats for years. The recipe is so simple (there are only 4 ingredients!), and my dogs really love them.

So, you're probably thinking, "Who in the world has time to make their own dog cookies?" Well, to tell you the truth, I was skeptical at first too. 

But, I was convinced years ago after trying to think of something different to bring to work at Christmastime. Christmas cookies, fudge, candy, etc., were lining the treat tables at my office, but I thought that these treats might make a lasting impression. (They don't add any calories since YOU'RE not the one eating them. LOL)

I set them out on a big (clearly labeled) tray with some Ziploc bags for people to take however many they needed for their pets. They were a hit!

I think you'll like this recipe too!

Harris Sisters GirlTalk: Homemade Peanut Butter Dog Treats

Peanut Butter Dog Treats

4 cups all purpose flour
2 cups oatmeal
1/2 - 3/4 cups chunky peanut butter
2 1/2 cups hot water

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease cookie sheet and set aside.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, mix together all ingredients, adding hot water in a few small batches to ensure dough does not become too sticky.
  3. If dough is too sticky, add more flour until dough-like consistency is achieved.
  4. Roll out dough onto a floured surface to 1/4 inch thickness. Cut into shapes with cookie cutters. (Any shape will work, but I use a dog bone shaped cookie cutter.)
  5. Bake cookies on a greased cookie sheet for 40 minutes.


Dough will look like this when you're done mixing all ingredients together.

Harris Sisters GirlTalk: Homemade Peanut Butter Dog Treats

These dog treats do not "spread" when baking like regular cookies. This means that you can place them closer to each other on the cookie sheets when baking.

Harris Sisters GirlTalk: Homemade Peanut Butter Dog Treats

These DIY dog biscuits are really quick to make, and making homemade treats for your dogs is a fun activity to do with your kids any time of year. If your pup likes other flavors, you can mix in things like bacon or substitute chicken broth for the water. 

And in case you were wondering, these homemade dog cookies are Smitty and Chance approved. Hope your pups like these peanut butter dog treats as much as mine do!

Harris Sisters GirlTalk: Smitty and Chance love homemade peanut butter dog treats.

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