
Friday, April 25, 2014

My Week in Pictures: April 25, 2014

So here we are.  Another Friday, another "My Week in Pictures" post.   It seems like these Fridays sure are rolling around faster these days.  These past few weeks have just been flying by!  Nonetheless, here we go...

As you know, this week started with Easter Sunday.   I bought these beautiful hydrangeas at the supermarket the day before Easter, and snapped this photo that night.  Thank goodness I did, because they held up for approximately one day.  Bummer.  They sure were pretty at the time.  

We also made this lovely coconut cake for Easter, and it sure was de-li-cious!!  There is just something about coconut at Eastertime that just seems right.  I will drum up the recipe and share it on the blog in the next few days.  It is definitely worth a try!

Speaking of Easter, this is what I wore.  It's not a maternity dress- just a flowy style that I tend to gravitate toward anyway.  So thankfully, I'm able to wear it now at the end of my pregnancy, and also later after Peanut makes her arrival, which, by the way, won't be long now.   At this week's doctor's appointment, my doc has suggested that she may schedule us for delivery as early as next week, depending on how things are looking next week.  Wow!  This is it!  One way or the other, little Peanut will be here before we know it!

So in preparation for Peanut's impending arrival, we have now officially installed the car seat this week.  Every time I hop in the car now, I look back there and think she's gonna be riding along within a week or so.  I can still hardly believe it!

And I must mention that as I near the end of this pregnancy, I have been so fortunate to have felt good for so long.  It has literally been so easy, I feel sure we will end up with an extra fussy baby just to balance the universe back out.  It has been extremely easy- until NOW.  I actually threw my back out working in the yard recently, and out of sheer desperation to feel better and walk somewhat normally again, I visited a chiropractor this week for the first time in my life.  I must admit that it did help a little.  I'm going back again for a few visits before Peanut arrives to try to spur the healing process along.  In any case, I was sure the doc would scold me about my choice of footwear.  But instead, she complimented me on my shoes.  Hmmm, I think I like this lady already!

In other news, whenever I cannot find my pup I pretty much figure she's up to something.  See below for this week's naughtiness caught in the act.  John smoked ribs on the smoker last weekend, and the residual smells were apparently too much for our pup to handle.  We found her outside sitting *on* the smoker the next morning.  Oh Izzie Lu, you'd better be glad you are so stinkin' cute.  

And for anyone who knows my husband, you will already know that this man has been a fan of powdered sugar doughnuts for ages- but not just any powdered sugar doughnuts.  It has to be Hostess.  Now, when Hostess went bankrupt last year, you've never heard such bellyaching from a grown man.  Thank heavens they came back.  But what I never realized was the shelf life on those products.  Just this week at the grocery, I saw this.  These doughnuts are guaranteed fresh until June of this year.  It's only April!!  What in the world?!?

So that's it for this week.  I am realizing that this could very possibly be our last weekend just the two of us before Peanut arrives, so of course, we are making plans to fill it up.  We will be visiting the Nashville Flea Market this weekend as well as the Downtown Festival that is happening here in Franklin.  And if there's time, we may even slip in a movie.  Never a dull moment around here.  I hope your week was a good one, and your weekend ahead is looking fun!  Enjoy!!

1 comment:

  1. Next time Izzy does that, it's the perfect opportunity to say, "Yo, dawg, why you gots to be up in my grill?" ;-)
